22 APR / !: An Expressive Montage - Architecture Graduate Exhibition 2018

!: An Expressive Montage - Architecture Graduate Exhibition 2018

BSc. (Hons) in Architecture (March 2015 batch) Year 2018 Graduates from School of Architecture, Building and Design (SABD), Taylor's Lakeside University

20 - 22 April 2018

! describes amazement, awe, shock - it allows us to ascribe these qualities to our exhibition. ! implies that some human emotions and expreiences are just so amazing, it cannot be described by mere words. We aim to make an exhibition that is ! - by creating huge and awe-inspiring displays of our amazing production skills. Scale and impact are our keywords here. Therefore it is with such conviction in the experiential, social and educational impact of our works do we set forth to create the exhibition that is truly descriptively speechless. 

Our paperless exhibition will be featuring projects from over 60 students, with invited guest speakers, performances, installations and more! Join us to experience our journey through an expressive montage that is guaranteed to awaken your senses.


Pow-wow #21
Screening of Netflix's Abstract - Bjarke Ingels
Kamil Merican of GDP Architects

Tetawowe Atelier x LPPL :
Re-programming Architecture
Wei Ping & Tat Sing of Tetawowe Atelier

Architectural Knowledge
and the Practice of It
Hafiz Amirrol

Sense of Place
Huat Lim of ZLG Design

Methaphore and Language in Architecture
Ar Lim Teng Ngiom of Ngiom Partnership


Z2Z (feat. Moses, Zachary, Clement & ZZ)
DR0NY (feat. Nik Afiq, Sean Yong, Eddie Goh & Renee)